Designers design objects, not all objects created have been designed. Nonetheless, every object leaves an imprint on our environment. By acknowledging the consequences and repercussions of our actions, designers can potentially foster a path towards change. This film served as a catalyst for the initiatives we have embarked upon at the SDA.
Annie Leonard, Louis Fox, and Jonah Sachs authored "The Story of Stuff," which was directed by Louis Fox and produced by Free Range Studios. The executive producers of the project included the Tides Foundation and the Funders Workgroup for Sustainable Production and Consumption. The documentary was unveiled to audiences in December 2007.
On the homepage of the 'Story of Stuff' website, the phrase 'From a movie to a movement' greets visitors. Essentially, The Story of Stuff delves into the recognition that our society is entrenched in a culture of consumption that is inherently unsustainable and detrimental to both the planet and our own well-being. Now the website if full of other videos you should also check, like:
The story of water
The story of electronics
The story of Microbeads
The story of Solutions
and many more...